Saturday, March 04, 2006

UofT Bookstore and ufashion Student Designed Products (UFSD) Outline

UofT Bookstore and ufashion Student Designed Products Outline

UofT Bookstore Student Design Products

--drafted by Taige, Flore, Siobhan

Purpose: To involve students in creating and producing UofT merchandise sold at the bookstore.

Student Designed Department (Premise1): Create a special section in the bookstore dedicated to student designed work. A division of ufashion (UFSD) will manage this section. Initially, we will create a campaign to inform students about this opportunity to affect the Bookstore for the better. We will work with students on their submissions to develop and produce merchandise for the special section in the bookstore. We would like the bookstore to help chose submissions and give guidance during the process. A percent the profit made from the student designed products will be given to support, sustain, and grow ufashion and our mission to let students to work with Bookstore.

A Voice (Premise2): UFSD will work with UofT Bookstore to decide what new products will be sold at the bookstore. UFSD will be the voice of students by running focus groups for new products, screening UofT Bookstore's catalog of potential products on campus to test each item's appeal, and surveying students for their general attitudes while considering their comments and suggestions for a better bookstore. In addition, UFSD will be able propose product ideas in UofT Bookstore's catalog of potential products, and on behalf of students factor in on the operations of the Bookstore.

Details: Students may vote on products. U of T bookstore can show students the products they are looking at, and have students vote or even take a poll of what students like/would buy. This will work to both the students and Bookstore's favor.

Fashion a Team (Premise3): UFSD will fashion a team of dedicated students with a strong interest in fashion. The "Fashion A-Team" (F-AT) will go from market research to production with the continuous feedback from the bookstore. The final presentation to the bookstore and students may be a simple meeting or a flashy fashion show. F-AT will take up such activities holding focus groups to discover what students want, use reference groups to in what is in, and transform them into goods to be sold at the U of T Bookstore. A percentage of profit from sales of those items should be directed to the UFSD program and the creators of the products.

Details: Different students from different majors and backgrounds comprise the team each year to provide variety and learning experience to different students. As a effective and committed team hand selected and overseen by UFSD, these students go all the way from planning to selling/promotion. Pitching session and meetings between the and bookstore will be held throughout the year to ensure a cooperative and mentoring environment. For example, these meeting may be used to present ideas and designs for products that FA-T believe will be profitable to the bookstore and satisfaction to students, and budgeting to ensure that the designs are financially and economically viable.
F-AT Time line:
  1. Start recruiting in September for team members. Team should include about 15-20 people, including all financial, design and marketing positions.

  2. Market research by team members (

  3. Design (October)

  4. Pitching to Bookstore (Nov)

  5. Production (Dec)

  6. Marketing (Jan)

  7. Release (Feb)


Setting up the meeting

Funding for program

UT bookstore

% of UF funds


Fashion portfolio:




-U of T sweat shorts

-Stylish mini-gym bags

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