Tuesday, November 21, 2006

UFX launch

Today is the Launch of uFashion Clothing Exchange (UFX)

Sick of your same old clothes? Always want to wear your friend's jacket? Want a change? Don't want to keep buying new clothes and giving your old ones to your friend?

UFX is a place where you can upload pictures of your clothes and browse through pictures of other people's clothes and request to borrow them.

1. upload pictures of your clothes
2. find clothes you'd like to try out
3. message the person and reach an agreement. The exchange can be mutual or one way, two way, or permanent. Most agreements include a cleaning clause.
4. meet and exchange

Important: All members of UFX must be a member of uFashion or must pay a $50 security deposit to uFashion in order to protect you and members of the exchange program from getting jacked. Good members will receive their money back at the end of the term* and bad members will be reported to UofT and be blacklisted from the exchange.

If already ufashion Member simply search for UFX in facebook or click here.

*term is exactly 1 school year.

1 comment:

Taige Zhang said...

you actually lose weight with this program